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Blog, Nuribel Style,

A pair of trousers for each Style

27 May, 2019

Very good! Welcome one more week to this review we do for women’s fashion with clothes as dresses and, in this case, pants! Here’s a review of different looks that can reflect your inner self with Nuribel Style…

pantalón estampado

Not wearing a skirt doesn’t mean not being bold. With pants like this you can get the attention of fashion lovers, because their print and colors show what you are: passionate about style! There’s nothing better than now that the good time has come to give you a spring and colorful look.

pantalón para comunión

On the other hand, the basics are indispensable in any wardrobe that is appreciated. If you still don’t have a white pair of trousers, you have to do it with one… now! As well as being elegant, they can be combined with any garment such as a blouse, a top or, if you prefer something more informal, a T-shirt.

top pantalón para invitada perfecta

Stamps and more stamps! The elephant’s feet with high waist are a perfect white canvas to paint on it a special and different drawing. At Nuribel Style we love daring and that’s why we bet on this explosion of fun in a pair of trousers… Ideal for communion!

top invitada boda

Let’s go with the glamour… Few pants can boast of giving the elegance that these give. If you are one of those who like to be always perfect, this is your “outfit”. With a summery fabric and some printed flowers, we could be in front of the most arranged pants of the four that we have shown you and the most comfortable ones that are going to make you feel in a formal event.

As you have seen, taking a break from time to time to the dresses can be a good choice if we choose which pants to wear! Bold with #Nuribel… and triumph!

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