n u r i b e l


The art of customise

8 November, 2018

Hello again! This week we started with a post in which we tell you how customization can make a simple garment a very special one, in this case, in our collection #NuribelCollection. Touching casual, daring, elegant … Multiple possibilities that gives us the art of customise.Personlización

Por si no nos creíais, fijaos en las mangas de esta blusa y ved cómo aportan un toque muy diferente con esos tonos fucsia y verde agua a juego con el cordón del pantalón.Personlización

This #NuribelCollection jacket is perfect to wear a ‘sporty look’ with this electric blue fabric that has been incorporated a band of striking colors that contrast with the background.Personlización

The customization also comes to the dresses, check out this look and how the shoulder pads give a perfect look in this outfit adorned with yellow buttons.Personalización

We are saying goodbye with this blouse because the pocket is the perect example of personalization. The simplicity of the bet combines perfection with the advancement of lenses and brightness.

Ladies! We hope you liked today’s selection and learned to innovate and have your personal style with #NuribelCollection looks. And remember that, who does not risk … does not win … Until next time!

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