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Blog, Nuribel Couture,

Sleeves to fall in Love

20 November, 2018

Welcome back! Ladies, this week we want to show you how fashion is so open to any kind of line, in this post you would see that you can play  just with the sleeves and do real wonders. That is why we have brought this selection where to find them with ruffles, asymmetric, mesh, with transparencies … We must lose the fear to innovate and take the step!


One shoulder exposed and the other with ornaments of golden leaves that fall along the long sleeve to the floor. As an authentic Greek goddess …


As you can see, we love the asymmetries and how not, look at this model with a black mesh sleeve.


This red #NuribelCouture look brings us a flounce that falls on the left shoulder giving a bold touch … And sexy!


Finally, we show you this option in yellow and black in which the sleeves give us the perfect game with volumes and founces. You should know.

From now on, risk more with the daring sleeves … That do not bite! Nothing better for a contrasting look, on the one hand, with a lot of fabric and, on the other, with the least possible.

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