n u r i b e l


Sleeves with a lot of Style

9 November, 2018

Hello ladies! In this post we bring you something that in any garment can go unnoticed or can be the star of the look … We are talking, of course, of the sleeves form our collection  #NuribelStyle!Sleeves with a lot of Style

In winter, wearing sleeves of soft fuchsia hair can save you from the cold and, even better, if they combine perfectly with the colors of the rest of the dress.
Sleeves with a lot of Style

The volume set of this shirt gives a ‘chic’ touch that you can finish to complement with a plain trousers of any color.
Sleeves with a lot of Style

This gray #NuribelStyle dress becomes daring and wild thanks to these yellow sleeves decorated with pink hair.

Have you seen how the game with the sleeves can turn your look into a fun one? It’s a matter of getting out of the norm and being daring and, who better than the “Nuribel girls” to do it?

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