n u r i b e l


Style Blouses

27 September, 2018


Ladies, the blouse is a classic, and a basic, that must not be missing in any wardrobe background worth its salt. Combined with pants or skirts, they are that piece that can save us from many moments of trouble in which we do not know what to wear. That is the reason why, in #NuribelStyle, this fall-winter season we have them in our collection with models like this one, with flared sleeves, big cuffs on the sleeves, collar to the box and two hearts as a candid detail on the front . Its light blue tone makes it ideal for any time of day.


Also simple and comfortable is this option sprinkled with cherries of colors and with the buttons sewn in fuchsia to give a note of color to it. With a broad pattern, his shirt collar is a masculine wink that is very trendy.


A camel embroidery is the highlight of this piece, also in blue and that, with leggins pants of the set, it sure becomes one of the favorites of our younger followers.Blusas

Of course we have left for the end a “star” as is this white blouse with ruffles on the sleeves and ribbons on the back that, with its long sleeve, protects us from low temperatures without losing any magic at the time of dressing.

And it is that magic, in fashion and in life, can never be lost. At least we believe in #Nuribel where we keep working to do better day by day … We count on you! www.nuribel.com

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