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Elegancia de los grises
Blog, Nuribel Collection,

The elegance of greys

16 July, 2019

Very good! How are you this week? In summer, more than in any other season, there is a color that, in terms of elegance, is absolutely the protagonist… We’re talking about greys! It’s a chromatic range that allows many combinations and brings simplicity to original prints. That’s why today we’re going over some of our most essential looks…

day wedding dress

A floral print with abstract touches and tones, ranging from purple to red through pink, is a success if we put it on a plain gray fabric. A tight and simple pattern is the canvas on which the final design is made for a glamorous girl.

long wedding dress

Grey is also an option on skirts. This model attracts attention by the brightness of its red top and a spectacular skirt for any evening event we go as guests, offering the perfect contrast of sophistication and party. 

long dress for evening wedding

In Nuribel we love violet! Proof of this is this spectacular combination of blouse and skirt in lilac and purple tones with, of course, grey as the backdrop. The most striking thing about the model is the incredible right shoulder loop, as well as the spectacular flight of the skirt.

dress straight party

Fitted to the body, sleeveless, in shades of grey and perfectly combined with black heels. This dress is ideal for summer cocktails and those special occasions where going untidy is not an option.

As you know, life is neither white nor black, and there is a palette of elegant, palpable greys in our models and, of course, in you when you dress with them!

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