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Blog, Nuribel Couture,

Making of Couture 2020

29 March, 2019

Hello, everybody! Behind every dress and every photograph, there is a piece of equipment that leaves the skin so that everything is perfect. From the model to the artistic director or the designer… All the work you can’t see, but without it, we couldn’t show you catalogs as impressive as Nuribel Couture 2019-2020, which you’ll soon see in full. For all this and more, today in the blog we show you what is behind the cameras in our photographic editorials…

On this occasion, we have again the model Raquel Bonilla for the Couture catalog. A great professional who came to the session after having paraded the day before at the International Flamenco Fashion Show… with almost no sleep! For one of the image photos, we wanted to recreate the fantasy of a medieval and modern bride at the same time, so we put, as you can see, some of those false nails so trendy …

Ricardo Castillejo takes the reins of artistic direction in our sessions, which always end with more than incredible results. This time we move to a hotel in Carmona, whose stone walls are perfect for a fashion catalog.

As it is several days of the session, so that the camera is always placed in the same place, we put some marks with adhesive tape on the floor and so, the next day we know where it was. The photographer’s work is fundamental to finish with a perfect and well-lit image.

The spectacular Torre de Don Fadrique has been the setting for the image of the catalog. We took advantage of the incredible gardens that surround it to bring out the wildest side of our bridal collection. In addition, as a privilege, the inside of the tower was used to make up the model and place the dresses!

From the moment you start combing the model’s hair and make-up until the photos are taken, any unforeseen event that needs to be solved can arise. In this way, our work is developed, where each session is an adventure for the whole team that, besides making a lot of effort, manages to have a great time…

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