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Party dresses with details that make a difference

13 April, 2019

Very good! Welcome to a new post where we will give you the most “top” fashion tips for you to know how to choose a good outfit. This time we will focus on the small details, those so important that can turn a model into a sophisticated garment for an elegant woman … and without them the dresses would go unnoticed!

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First of all, feathers are a sure bet of glamour because, in addition to dressing a lot, they provide a very flattering natural beauty effect. In this dress, with the texture of a cotton cloud, they are the protagonists. In addition, a red belt in a completely white garment not only attracts attention, but also adds points to stand out from the rest.

In many occasions a smooth model of an intense color can be good. However, if we add the touch of flounces on the shoulder becomes a guarantee of success. Fuchsia and spring flowers are the perfect combination that brings us this tight look and carefully thought for you.

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The details are not only taken care of in simple garments, also in an unequal and asymmetrical dress like this are relevant. In this case, the flowers on the waist provide a “chic” touch necessary to understand that the good time has come and that with the clothes … also played!

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Spectacular is the word that could well define this option. A real red carpet dress that, if it hadn’t been thought out to the millimeter, wouldn’t have had this Hollywood finish. The golden shoulder stones and ribbon formed with the waist fabric are the result of pampering all parts of a suit.

Accessories, glitter, gems, games with shapes and volume are ways to stand out, without reaching the extravagance that every woman needs in her wardrobe. We’ve given you the “tips”, now it’s your turn to put it into practice!

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