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Blog, Nuribel Style,

The difference of being a Style´s girl

6 December, 2018

Happy Thursday! The importance of being a “Style´s girl” is the same as that of making a difference compared to the common and typical. So, choosing between these dresses, jackets or blouses is the first step to give your life the crazy and fun air you deserve.

Style´s girl

A daring jacket is essential in the wardrobe of any “Style´s Girl”, especially if it is pink, with an animal print pattern and with a yellow hair collar. A complex combination at first sight but that, with our magic patterns, can become a reality.

chica style

Take advantage of details such as this pink eye in a mini dress, it serves to give a touch ‘chic’ to the look and away from sobriety. Because you can be modern without this being at odds with good style.

Style´s girl

These jacket, trousers and shirt is a mixture of garments in which the colors fuchsia, yellow and blue, are the protagonists. Add accessories like this pompom and you’ll have a look with a lot of ‘Style’ and if not, to the tests we will send you …

Style´s girl

Look at the back of this fuchsia raincoat with waterproof fabric, it has a wolf that represents the spirit of those women warriors, but with a big heart, to which we always go from our company.

Get away from the typical, be original, make each look something unique … At #NuribelStyle we help you get it! It’s a matter of deciding and betting on us!


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