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Blog, Nuribel Collection,

The infallible elegance of black

25 June, 2019

Hello everyone! Today’s post is very special because it is dedicated only to talking about black. How to combine it and which garments are the best to look elegant and “glamorous” like nobody else… Pay attention because we give you all the “tips” of this infallible color.

If the dress is black and is glued to the body, it is a safe bet. A dark chromatic range slims and stylizes the figure and, if we add to that some uneven sleeves, we have the “chic” model we were looking for. In addition, with our shoulders uncovered and a little attitude we will be able to sweep wherever we go.

A blouse with transparencies, gold and red embroidery and floral details is the key to emphasizing a “look” with night trousers. Even more if we combine it with red heels to match the lips. We can go comfortable and stylish without having to give up being a diva.

Sometimes the “sophistication” lies in not overloading. A smooth black model below the knees with gold embroidery empowers anyone wearing it. If we add to that a simple hairstyle, we will have the perfect combination for, for example, a wedding at night.

However, if what we like is to step hard and catch all eyes, this is the bet we expected. A tight outfit and completely full of gold embroidery. The clear neck is the key, because it contrasts with the long sleeves and the length up to the knees.

The fear of not knowing if we will succeed or not with black is what makes us not dare to be elegant. Therefore, we encourage you to choose one of our creations and show the world who rules here … 

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