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Blog, Nuribel Couture,

At what events to wear cocktail dresses

7 November, 2019

Hey, girls! How was your week? We’ll be back another Thursday with a new article. This time we’re going to tell you a little more about cocktail dresses.

Haven’t you ever doubted which type of dress to choose according to the time of the event we have? The usual is a short dress if it is an event in the morning, and long if it is an event in the afternoon or evening, but… What if we dress in a cocktail design? What kind of occasion would it be for? Let’s answer all these questions. Haven’t you ever doubted which type of dress to choose according to the time of the event we have? The usual is a short dress if it is an event in the morning, and long if it is an event in the afternoon or evening, but…What if we dress in a cocktail design? What kind of occasion would it be for? Let’s answer all these questions.

The cocktail dress can be used in daytime and evening events, usually, have a length that covers the knees and can be combined with high heels to stylize our figure.

In our Couture 2020 collection, we wanted to give prominence to this type of design, and we would like to share with you two of our models

The first, is a dress of golden colour, of neckline word of honour, has asymmetrical cut, collected in the waist with an original applique in an intense blue tone, giving the dress a great personality, making this design very elegant and sophisticated.

Autumn Wedding Party Dress

The second design of our Couture 2020 collection, is a blue dress that overflows sensuality and sophistication on all four sides. Its transparencies and gold and blue glitter appliqués will make you shine, whatever your event.


We hope that you liked our proposals and we encourage you to visit our website www.nuribel.com where you will find our entire Couture 2020 collection.

We’ll read next week. Have a great week.

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